Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum documents
Charlton Neighbourhood Plan
A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Charlton Neighbourhood Plan will be held on 6 May 2021.A Neighbourhood Development Plan contains policies for the use of land in a designated neighbourhood area. In 2014 Charlton Parish Council decided to produce a Neighbourhood Plan and public consultation has taken place on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. The Charlton Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared for the designated Charlton Neighbourhood Area, shown below and on the Councils website at:
There is a statutory process which must be followed for the making of a Neighbourhood Plan. The process involves the holding of a Referendum. The question, which is specified in the Regulations, which will be asked for the Referendum is:
‘Do you want Test Valley Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Charlton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?’
If more than half of those voting in the referendum vote ’Yes’ in response to the question above then the Neighbourhood Plan must be ‘made’ (adopted) by Test Valley Borough Council and the Neighbourhood Plan will be part of the Development Plan for the Borough. This means that the Plan will be used in the determination of planning applications for the designated area of Charlton Parish.